Saturday, August 4, 2007

Consequential Learning Implications Wheel (7804pm)

By thinking about & answering these two challenging questions on your own, & against your own background, you will begin to understand & appreciate the essence of the author's proposition.

This will be the beginning of your own paradigm shift, as it has happened in my own life design for the second half. I would recommend readers to buy and read this book jointly with Wayne Burkan's Wide-Angle Vision. Wayne Burkan has been a collaborator of Joel Barker, and he introduces some more new ideas to the paradigm phenomenon.

Better still, view also and learn more from the videos (in which both authors are the lead facilitators), The Paradigm Prism and The Implications Wheel, which bring the whole paradigm concept to life and which showcase some more real-world business examples. If you want to explore your future, read this book!

As the author puts it, before you can create your future, you must F1RST explore it. You must create and shape your future, otherwise some one else will!

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Global Consciousness Project (7804xm)

The Global Consciousness Project, also called the EGG Project, is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists, engineers, artists and others.

This website introduces methods, technology, and empirical results under the "Scientific Work" menu, and gives background, interpretations, and implications under "Aesthetic View" ...


Social Capital Conservancy (7804am)

SC: Sustainable Change
D: Dissatisfaction
V: Vision of future state or condition
F: F1RST/Next steps to desired state
R: Resistance to change (inertia)

Then: SC = D x V x F > R
